Our Products

  • Squares

    Our squares come in various sizes and are up to 3” deep making the perfect 3D piece to display
    large blooms such as roses.

    4” Square - $115
    6” Square - $290
    8” Square - $475

  • Rectangle Tray

    Trays are a beautiful way to display multiple blooms. Flowers can either be flattened or 3D.

    11” x 17” Tray with gold handles - FLAT FLOWERS
    (ex. roses will be opened and flattened, resin does not come to the top of the tray)

    11” x 17” Tray with gold handles FULL 3D FLOWERS
    (ex. roses will be in original 3d shape, resin comes to the top of the tray) - $525

    5” x 8” Clear Tray, Does Not have handles
    (Flattened Flowers Only) - $50

  • Letter

    Letters are 1.5” deep holding mostly flowers that are not very thick. Perfect snippet of flowers from your event.

    6” Letter - $110

  • Arch

    This arch holds 2-3 medium sized flowers and is 3”deep.

    4” W x 7” H Arch - $290

  • Ring Holder Prism

    Our ring holder fits small flowers and petals making a dainty display for holding your ring.

    Ring Holder Prism - $50

  • Ornament

    Our ornament is the perfect setting for a keepsake of pressed flowers. Makes perfect gifts.

    5” Ornament - $30

  • Cross

    Our 9” cross makes a nice statement piece and our 4” tall cross hol snippets of your flowers along with petals and small greenery. Makes perfect gifts.

    4” Cross - $30
    9” Cross - $110

  • Round

    Our 4” round is 1” thick making it deeper
    than an average coaster.
    Display flat or on a small display stand.

    4” Round - $30

  • Hexagon

    Our 9” Hexagon is perfect for holding more flowers and allowing for a bigger representation
    of an arrangement/bouquet.

  • preserved flower heart


    4” Heart (stand not included)
    $30 each

Give a gift that lasts a lifetime.